. Complete with the correct form Future Simple (will), to be going to, present continuous.

They ___________ (fly) to Moscow at 10 p.m. (фиксированные планы)
Kate and Sarah _________(visit) their parents tomorrow at 6 p.m. (фиксированные планы, договоренность)
Look at this boy! He _____________(dance)! (предсказание, на основе того, что мы видим)
I think that all cars __________(fly) by 2100. (предсказание на основе того, что мы думаем)
I’d like something to drink. I ____________ (make) some tea for you. (оперативное решение)
They ______ (arrive) at the city soon. (будущие планы, намерения)
Max _______ (renovate) her apartment. (будущие планы, намерения)
I’m cold. I ____________(close) the window. (оперативное решение)​


Ответ дал: sabinkaskindirova


1. are going to fly.

2.are going to visit.

3.will dance.

4.will fly.

5.i am making.

6.are going to arrive.

7.is going to renovate.

8.i am closing.

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