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Ответ дал: Nur240501


Complete the sentences using proper prepositions at, in, for, from, of, on, to, through.

  1. participate in
  2. tired of
  3. break through
  4. at all costs
  5. object to
  6. keep from
  7. on the other hand
  8. blame Victor for

Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right

  1. civilization
  2. scientists
  3. active

Complete the sentences using these words

  1. My family are used to eating Chinese food
  2. My mother objects to my coming late
  3. The children were looking forward to visiting the British Museum .
  4. He succeeded in getting good marks only in physics .

Choose suitable preposition (down, into , in, through)

  1. We can't move further . Our car has broken down.
  2. He dances so funny , that I broke into laughter .
  3. Sally broke in my talk with Sue.
  4. Because of John's rude words , she broke into tears .
  5. The sun managed to break through for a while in the afternoon .

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