3. Match the two parts of the conditional sentences. There is an odd part in the right column!
1) If I won a lot of money,
2) If I hadn't warned him,
3) If I hadn't studied hard,
4) If I called him, …
5) If I had known it was a secret…
a) he would be late.
b) I would have failed my exam.
c) I wouldn't have told anybody
d) he would have been late.
e) he would not be very pleased.
f) I would spend it on charity.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1) If I won a lot of money, (f) I would spend it on charity.

2) If I hadn't warned him, (d) he would have been late.

3) If I hadn't studied hard, (b) I would have failed my exam.

4) If I called him, (e) he would not be very pleased.

5) If I had known it was a secret (c) I wouldn't have told anybody.

лишнее a) he would be late.

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