Unit 11 At the doctor
Lesson 3 Drink hot green tea.
2a Look and match.
1) I have a sore throat.
2) I have a toothache.
3) I have a headache.
4) I have a cold.
a) Drink hot green tea.
b) Drink hot lemon tea
and go to bed.
c) Drink hot milk.
d) Don't eat fruit and
e) Don't drink cold water.
f) Don't eat ice-cream.
g) Don't eat chocolate
and sweets.
5) I have a temperature.
6) I have a tummy ache.
7) I have a runny nose.
e.g. 1c/e/f​


Ответ дал: gozalpolatova1855



3. b/a

4. c/b/e

5. a/b

6. f/d/g

7. c/b

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