1. Cross the odd word out.

L scarf, raincoat, dress, garden

2 winter, cold, summer, spring, autumn

3. January, September, And, March

4. hot, warm, snowman, cold

5. boots, jacket, trainers, shoes

6. blouse, shirt, yellow, sweater

2. Continue the sentences (Закончите предложения: 1. My favourite summer clothes are

2. My favourite winter clothes are

3. When it is hotel put on my

4. When it is frosty I put on my

S. When it is warm I put on my

6. When it is cold I put on my

3.Put the words in brackets into the right form 1. Julie (read) in the garden now

2 The class (begin) at mine every day

3. What

4. I

5. She

(you / cat) at the moment?

(not / work) on Sundays

(rnot / study) now, she

6. Take your umbrella, it

4.translate into Russian

1) Toften wear dresses

2) She likes white blouse.

3) It is cold today.

4) He is raking leaves in the garden now, 5) This jacket lits well.

6) They are wearing unusual clothes today.


(watch) TV.


Ответ дал: Skyline1526


1. Cross the odd word out.

L scarf, raincoat, dress, garden

2 winter, cold, summer, spring, autumn

3. January, September, And, March

4. hot, warm, snowman, cold

5. boots, jacket, trainers, shoes

6. blouse, shirt, yellow, sweater

2. Continue the sentences (Закончите предложения:

1. My favourite summer clothes are SKIRT AND SHORTS

2. My favourite winter clothes are BOOTS AND SCARF

3. When it is hot put on my JERSEY

4. When it is frosty I put on my FUR

S. When it is warm I put on my DRESS

6. When it is cold I put on my TRACKSUIT (спорт.костюм)

3.Put the words in brackets into the right form

1. Julie IS READING in the garden now

2 The class BEGIN at mine every day

3. What ARE DOING/CUTTING (you / cat- тут глагол должен быть) at the moment?

4. I DON'T WORK on Sundays


6. Take your umbrella, it - нет продолжения

4. translate into Russian

1) I often wear dresses - я часто ношу платья

2) She likes white blouse. - ей нравится белая блузка

3) It is cold today. - сегодня холодно

4) He is raking leaves in the garden now - он сейчас сгребает листья в саду

5) This jacket fits well. - этот куртка/пиджак/жакет хорошо подходит/идёт

6) They are wearing unusual clothes today - на них сегодня необычная одежда

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