Read the sentence and fill in the gap with the correct form of the verb in the Past Simple, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous. Write down only the form.

Примечание: Необходимо записать только форму глагола с маленькой буквы без знаков препинания.

Are we not there yet? We ________________ (walk) for hours.

We _________________ (go) to the seaside 2 years ago.

They _______________ (be) to Canada several times.

I _______________ (wait) here for ten minutes.

She _______________(know) Mark since childhood.


Ответ дал: KathyGFD

Are we not there yet? We ________________ (walk) for hours.

have been walking

We _________________ (go) to the seaside 2 years ago.


They _______________ (be) to Canada several times.

have been

I _______________ (wait) here for ten minutes.

have been waiting

She _______________(know) Mark since childhood.

has known

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