Помогите пожалуйста нужно сроооочнооо
2 Complete the text with at, on, in or during.
I first met my wife (1) in the spring of 2006,
(2) April 17th to be exact. It was (3)
a business trip to Belgrade, and (4) Sunday
morning, the 16th, I woke up with terrible toothache.
I needed to see a dentist but that wasn't possible
the weekend. (6) night it was
worse and I couldn't sleep. (7) the morning,
I managed to get an appointment for four o'clock
that afternoon. (8)
my meetings that
morning, my tooth was very painful and I was
really pleased to get to the dentist's (9) the
afternoon. I made sure that I was (10) time for
the appointment! But as soon as the dentist walked
in, she smiled at me and my pain went away.
the evening, I took her out for dinner and
July we got married!


Ответ дал: Nur240501


Complete the text with a , on , in or during.

2) on April 17th

3) in a business trip

4) on Sunday morning

6) at night

7) in the morning

8) at my meetings

9) in the afternoon

10) on time

11) in the evening

12) in July

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