Поставь слово в нужное место.
1.(ever)Have you been to Scotland?
2.(never)Janet has been a good student.
3(just)He has turned the corner.

Вставь глаголы в нужной форме:Past Simple orPresent Perfect.
4.Yesterday my aunt(go) shopping and(buy) apples for cake.
5.I(visit) my uncle and aunt last Satuday.
6.Don't buy pizza! l alreade(make) an apple pie.
7.Let's have a bite to eat! I (set) just the table.

Задайте общие вопросы к предложениям.
8.Mike has already read that letter.
9.We have just invited our friends.
10.His uncle has just cleared the table.


Ответ дал: Usofiya
1) Have you ever been to Scotland
2) Janet has been never a good student
3) He has just turned the corner
4) Went/has bought
5) visited
6) have already made
7) I have just set
8) What Mike has already read?
9) Who have just we invited?

tatyanasyshchikova: спасибо
lizakorchuk: 1) Have you ever been to Scotland
2) Janet has been never a good student
3) He has just turned the corner
4) Went/has bought
5) visited
6) have already made
7) I have just set
8) What Mike has already read?
9) Who have just we invited?
lizakorchuk: понятно!!
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