1 Match sentence halves 1-6 with a-f.
1 Are you any good
2 I'm really fond
3 We're really bad
4 Oraz is enthusiastic
5 Are you interested
6 Aslan is scared
a in learning Japanese?
b about the trip. He can't wait to go
c of spiders. He really hates them!
d at football. We lose every game!
e of Indian food, but my family hate it.
f at chess?i can't play it at all!​



Ответ дал: Decoration
  1. Are you any good f) at chess? I can't play it at all!​
  2. I'm really fond e) of Indian food, but my family hate it.
  3. We're really bad d) at football. We lose every game.
  4. Oraz is enthusiastic b) about the trip. He can't wait to go.
  5. Are you interested a) in learning Japanese?
  6. Aslan is scared c) of spiders. He really hates them!
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