• Предмет: Химия
  • Автор: ernisovagukus
  • Вопрос задан 2 года назад

Заполните пропуски подходяшими предлогами at,on in!!!!!!! 1)My mother works ....the hospital 2)Ben's friend studies ... the university . 3)Kate lives ... the the third floor
4)... the way home we saw a beatiful bird. 5) I saw my friend .... the doctors
6)I saw my friend ..the doctors
7)What have you read ... the newspeper?​


Ответ дал: GEprav


1. My mother works in hospital.

2.Ben's friend studies at the university.

3. Kate lives on the third floor.

4. On the way home we sae a beautiful bird.

5. I saw my friend at the doctors.

6. I saw my friend at the doctors.

7. What have you read in the newspaper.

GEprav: on the envelope
GEprav: on Monday afternoon
ernisovagukus: спасибоо большоее
ernisovagukus: спасибоо большоее
GEprav: Не за что
ernisovagukus: Срочно!! Поставти артиклы.!!!The,a,an
Are you caming to ... party next Saturday .2 I brought.... new Tv set yesterday. 3. I think ... man over there is very ill. 4. I watched video .... video you had sent me. 5. She was wearning...ugly dress when she met him.
6.I am crazy about reading ... history books .
7. She is ... nice girl
8. Do you want to go to ... restaunent where we first met.
9.He is ... engineer
10.He thinks that ... love is what will save as all​
GEprav: the party, a new TV, the man, the video, an ugly, reading the history books, a nice girl, a restaurant, an engineer, the love
ernisovagukus: поставте артиклы the ,a,an
1.I do not like ... basketball
2.that is ... girl.
3. .... night is quiet .
4. .... price of gas keeps vising
5.John traveled to ... Mexico
6.Juan is .... Spanish
7.I read ... amazing story yesterday
8.My brother doesnt eat .. chicken
9..... love is such ... beatuful thing
10.I live in ... apartment .... apartment is nem
11.I would like ... piece os coke
ernisovagukus: помоги пжж
GEprav: 1. a, 2. a, 3. the, 4. a, 5. the, 6. a, 7. an, 8. a, 9. the, a , 10, an, the , 11. a
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