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Verb "to be" in Past Simplе

I ... hungry yesterday
You ... in Australia last year
My dad and I ... at home yesterday
Ann and Jimmy ... happy yesterday
She ... afraid of spiders some years ago
Charlie Chaplin ... a famous actor
Books ... there ten minutes ago
The competition ... held in Sydney
Sarа ... alone yesterday
The weather ... great yesterday


Ответ дал: KathyGFD

PAST SIMPLE: the verb "to be"

I was hungry yesterday.

You were in Australia last year.

My dad and I were at home yesterday. (my dad + I = we)

Ann and Jimmy were happy yesterday. (she + he = they)

She was afraid of spiders some years ago.

Charlie Chaplin was a famous actor.

Books were there ten minutes ago.

The competition was held in Sydney.

Sarа was alone yesterday.

The weather was great yesterday.


I, he, she, it + was

you, we, they + were

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