Task 2 Complete the sentences with an adjective. Some words are extra words.
dull exciting fascinating funny imaginativer scary
1. This story isn't very interesting. It's a bit
2. This horror story is so
3. There are lots of really amazing facts in this book = ll°15.
4. The author thinks of lots of onginal characters and stories He's very
5. The heroine in the story is charming intelligent and brave. She's very
6. The jokes in this story are really
7. There are lots of action scenes and the hero is always in danger. It's really
помогите пожалуйста у меня соч​


Ответ дал: enferno59



1.  This story isn’t very interesting. It’s a bit appealing.

2.  This horror story is so scary!

3.  There are lots of really amazing facts in this book – it is exciting.

4.  The author thinks of lots of original characters and stories. He’s very imaginative.

5.  The heroine in the story is charming, intelligent and brave. She’s very fascinating.  

6.  The jokes in this story are really funny .

7.  There are lots of action scenes and the hero is always in danger. It’s really dull.  

хз наверное правильно я пытался как смог

vedmakraiza123: я уже сделал да и вроде у тебя есть ошибочки но ладно
buribaeva80raya: какие
buribaeva80raya: можешь сказать
buribaeva80raya: очень нужно
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