помогите пожалуйста
номер 62​


ksjuplaton: Какой объем?
ttok45855: предложений 10
ksjuplaton: Есть на русском какие то идеи?
ttok45855: с русского на английский я тоже так могу... поэтому и задала вопрос)
ksjuplaton: А в чем проблема то тогда вообще раз можете


Ответ дал: ksjuplaton



Next year I would like learning interesting facts related to youth issues. For example: where do modern youth like to travel, rest and spent a lot of time. From my point of view with modern topics our progress and knowledge will very quickly reduse. Moreover I would like to do more Listening, reading and of course pronunciation. I have got a small dream to watch movies in English and read books. And I believe If I improve my pronunciation I Will better understand their speach. It would be nice to have film clips in English class.) In conclusion, it would be great to learn English online with other students who lives abroad and learn Russian. I would like to share experience and knowledge with them, and then English would be my favorite subject.

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