Choose the correct answer. Выберите правильный вариант (7 баллов)
1. … is a very violent wind in the form of a funnel of air that spins at great speed.
A. earthquake
B. hurricane
C. flood
D. drought
E. avalanche
2. Найди слово противоположное по смыслу слову drought.
A. lightning
B. avalanche
C. tsunami
D. hurricane
E. flood
3. Какое слово синонимично по смыслу слову injured persons?
A. injury
B. damage
C. victim
D. destruction
E. panic
4. Которое из этих предложений является безличным?
A. There may be victims and destruction after natural disasters
B. It’s foggy.
C. Wait for instructions.
D. Should you stay at home or leave your home during a natural disaster?
E. Flood is common in Kazakhstan. It is very dangerous for people.
5. We are waiting … the emergency services.
A. for
B. about
C. –
D. in
E. off
6. Укажи правильно построенное предложение
A. Many killed people were by the volcanic eruption.
B. Many people by the volcanic eruption were killed.
C. Many people were killed by the volcanic eruption.
D. The volcanic eruption were killed by many people.
E. Killed were people by the many volcanic eruption.
7. Everybody … by the terrible news yesterday.
A. is shocking
B. was shocked
C. shocked
D. shock
E. is shock


Ответ дал: gurbanovf









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