Найдите правильный вариант
Вопрос № 19
Choose the correct tense form: She said that she …. that actor several times before.
0 meets
0 met
0 had met
0 was meeting
0 had been meeting
Вопрос № 20
Rewrite the following sentence in reported: She said, "I have already finished my test."
0 She said that she had already finished her test
0 She said that she have already finished her test
0 She said that she has already finished her test
0 She said that I have already finished my test
0 She said that she had already finished my test

Soup12313: Task 3. Underline the correct answer.
E.g., I fell asleep in the cinema. The film was so bored / boring.
1. My brother never tidies up / dresses up his room. It’s always a mess.
2. It’s quite worried / worrying that Helen hasn’t called yet.
3. I need to do / make my homework now, so I can’t watch TV.
4. Trekking is tired / tiring if you’re not fit.


Ответ дал: alinababkina3


1.had met

2.She said that she had already finished her test(Present Perfect меняется на Past Perfect)

вроде так=)

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