Сhange the direct speech into reported speech

4. The doctor said, “Don’t ride your bike so fast!”.​

yestayali: рп


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

The doctor said not to ride my bike so fast.

alaumambetrzaev: спс
aparinatatana165: помогите пожалуйста русский язык сор
sarvinozdzuraeva40: Помогите пожалуйста
Task 1. Change Me Tense of the Sentence According to a Time Marker
1. Tom drinks a tea spoon of mixture every hour.
Vi - drink (irreg :) (when I visited him yesterday: in an hour: for three days
2. Ann didn't cough yesterday.
Vi-cough treg.) (now, tomorrow, since this morning)
3. Has he visined his aunt recently?
V - visit (reg.) (these days, when I met you; last wwek)​
Аноним: aparinatatana@. Тема какая?
alaumambetrzaev: Про Наурыз
Ответ дал: FlowerScript

The doctor said that she shouldn't ride her bike so fast.

Аноним: по
sharlinsamanova5: помогите пж по англ соч, Task 2. Change the direct speech into reported questions, commands and requests
1.The teacher said, “Stop talking and get on with your 2. Mai said, “Can you come over to my house?" 3. They said, “We’d like you to stay for dinner tonight”
5.He said, “does Alen live in Astana?”
sharlinsamanova5: здесь тоже надо заменить прямую речь на команды, запросы и тд
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