помогите пожалуйста разобраться мне ☺️​



Ответ дал: FlowerScript

2. Were the Smiths drining coffee? No, they weren't. They were having a snack.

3. Was Daniya talking on the phone? No, she wasn't. She was studying for a test.

4. Were the children eating? No, they weren't. They were swimming in the pool.

5. Was Tony riding his bike? No, he wasn't. He was relaxing at home.

6. Was Nurlan working in his office? No, he wasn't. He was washing his car.

sovetakniet05: СПАСИБО БОЛЬШОЕ
ghhjjj28: помогите
ghhjjj28: мне
ghhjjj28: пожалуйста
Ответ дал: milque

Were the Smiths drinking coffee? No, they weren't. They were having a snack.

Was Daniya talking on the phone? No, she wasn't. She was studying for a test.

Were the children eating? No, they weren't. They were swimming in the pool.

Was Tony riding his bike? No, he wasn't. He was relaxing at home.

Was Nurlan working in his office? No, he wasn't. He was washing his car.

sovetakniet05: ой и тебе спасибо
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