A. Fill in: boring, awful, interesting, educational, childish, funny.
1 The nature programme was very …………………... . I couldn’t stop watching.
2 The sitcom was very …………………... . I couldn’t stop laughing.
3 It was a(n) …………………... film; maybe the worst I’ve seen this year.
4 I find cartoons a bit …………………... . They are more suitable for kids.
5 It was a very …………………... film. I fell asleep half way through it.
6 The documentary was very ………………... . I learned a lot from it.

B. Fill in: cast, stars, solution, excellent, released.
7 Christian Bale as Batman in
The Dark Knight.
8 The film was in July 2008.
9 In the film, the hero finds the
to global warming.
10 The Dark Knight has a(n)
plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
11 The of the film includes
many award-winning actors.

C. Write the sentences in the passive voice.
12 Christian Bale plays the main character.

13 Pixar Studios produced Wall-E.

14 An Italian actor won the award.

15 They nominated the film for an award.

16 They released Star Wars in 1977.

17 They film the comedy show in London.

18 Christopher Nolan directed The Dark Knight.

D. How are films made? Write the sentences in the present simple passive form.
19 A film producer buys the story.

20 A director directs the film.

21 Actors play the characters.

22 A cameraman films the scenes.

23 A graphic artist adds the special​


Ответ дал: privetotmenua


Match the exchanges.

u feel like watching a documentary

does it start? channel is it on? do you think of chat shows?


There's a comedy on in 20 minutes a .

b Channel 2. c I can't, I'm too busy

d Al seven o'clock They are a little boring

F. Translate sentences a-e from Ex. E.









G. Read the email and answer the



To: Subject:

Hi Megan,

From Megan

My favourite fim

My favourite film is 'Monsters Vs Aliens It's a computer - animated science fiction film

The main character of the film is Susan Murphy One day, she is hit by a rock that falls from space. Susan suddenly grows very large and people think she is a




other strange monsters, However, when a huge robot arrives from space and starts destroying everything on earth, Susan and her new monster friends must save the world

The best thing about the film is the voice acting. The cast includes Hugh Laurie. know he's your favourite actor, so you'll love this film. It is in the cinemas anymore. ,but it's coming out on DVD next month Have to go now Amber

34 What type of film is Monsters Vs Aliens?

35 Why do people think Susan is a monster

36 Who must the monsters fight?

37 What does Amber like most about the film?

38 Why does Amber think Megan will like the

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