1 Nikola Tesla ….. the alternating current system.
A launched
B pioneered
C led
D revolutionised
2 There are ….. places I want to explore on the other side of the island.
A a little
B a few
C much
D lots
3 Students can visit a special area at the museum for a(n) ….. experience.
A hands-on
B life-like
C interactive
D engaging
4 Has NASA discovered ….. new planets lately?
A any
B much
C a few
D many
5 Many countries are investing in the ….. of nanobots.
A invention
B discovery
C breakthrough
D development


Ответ дал: arsenauganov1082474

ребята отправьте фото,вообще не понятно


тогда сделаю))___

Вас заинтересует