Complete the sentences. Write the places in brackets correctly.
1 Is there a ___________ (arc kapr) near here?
2 Sorry, but the ___________ (esummu) is closed today.
3 Excuse me! I'm looking for the _________ (stop coffei).
4 What time does the swimming pool in the ___________ (reelius certen) open?
5 I'm studying in the __________ (ralibyr) tomorrow.
6 I asked for directions at the __________ (lepico satinot)!
7 There's a very good café in the _________ (crentoc lahl).
Помогите плиз!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: KathyGFD

1 car park

2 museum

3 post office

4 leisure centre // center

5 library

6 police station

7 concert hall

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