Task. Reading

Task 2. Read the text and identify the writer’s opinion and write Yes or No next to the given statements as in the example.
Dream Castle
Dream Castle is a wonderful new film at the Sunshine Cinema!
In the film, Katie and her brother Harry visit their uncle. Their uncle lives in a big, old castle. One day, Katie and Harry find a very big, old door. They open the door and enter the room. In the room, a princess thinks she lived one hundred years ago! Katie and Harry try to hide the princess from their uncle. It is very difficult and they all have lots of funny adventures! Dream Castle is a film but the actors also sing! Here is what some people think
The film has got a good story and it’s very exciting!
Jack, 9
The actors in the film are very good. They are great singers too!
Emma, 8

Answer the question Write Yes or No next to the statements as in the example:

Example: Katie and Harry visit their grandpa. No___

1. Katie and Harry find a princess.________
2. Katie and Harry try to hide the princess.________
3. The princess is sleeping for a few days.________
4. The actors sing in the film.________
5. The film is sad.________
5 /

Task.2 Writing

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative)

Mary is the ____________ (pretty) of all
Susan is ____________(happy) than Bob
Dogs are_______________ (friendly) than cats
Polar bears are _________(dangerous) of all


Ответ дал: aigerimmw


1. 1)yes 2) yes 3)no 4)yes 5)no

2. is the prettiest

is happier

are friendlier

are most dangerous

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