Writing. Choose the sentences where we use WAS: *
My classmate______ playing interesting game when his parents went out.
________ you doing your hometask at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon?
I _______ having breakfast when realised I was late
This cute dog _______ playing with my sister at 8 am yesterday.
I__________ gathering mushrooms and berries all last Sunday long
News programmes ____ watched by millions of people every day.
It _______ heavy raining the whole yesterday morning

dan228u: пж Соч


Ответ дал: manzurahajdar


My classmate was playing interesting game when his parents went out.

Were you doing your hometask at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon?

I was having breakfast when realised I was late

This cute dog was playing with my sister at 8 am yesterday.

I was gathering mushrooms and berries all last Sunday long

News programmes were watched by millions of people every day.

It was heavy raining the whole yesterday morning

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