дам много бало пжпжпжпжпжпжпжпTask 1. Use the phrases to complete the sentences: local legend, true origins, faithful nanny,

delicate patterned, poisonous snake.

1. There are ……………………………..all over the walls of the mausoleum.

2. The ……………………………..of the mausoleum are lost in history.

3. Aisha died after a ……………………..bit her.

4. The story of Aisha Bibi and her death is a …………………………. .

5. Aisha had a ………………………….who loved her a lot.​

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UnknowAni: спасибо


Ответ дал: UnknowAni


1. delicate patterned

2. true origins

3. poisonous snake

4. local legend

5. faithful nanny

talgatovaltair268: рахмет
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