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Ответ дал: wkom

I'd like to describe picture number one. In the picture I can see a little girl under a big umbrella. The photo was taken outside. We can see it is raining. In the picture the action is taking place in the park. There are trees in the background and the girl is on a field covered with green grass. Looking at the girl I get the impression she is in the park for some summer festival. She's wearing a pretty dress. The girl is smiling. I think she is three or four years old. The girl has blue eyes and fair hair. She's wearing a beautiful red summer dress with a white belt. She's holding a big pink umbrella with both hands. I think she is a happy and well-behaved child. I like the picture very much. It's colourful and pretty. It makes me think of summer, the good weather and fun activities in the open.

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