Past Simple vs Past continious

A: What 6)..........(you/do) yesterday
evening at 6 o'clock? I 7) .........(try) to call you but no one answered thephone.
l 8) .......(have) a shower at 6
o'clock so I 9) ......(not/hear) the phone ringing.

A: What 10) .........(be) the weather
like when you were in Jamaica?
B: It 11) ..........(rain) heavily when
we 12) ......(arrive) but we
13) .......(have) sunshine for
the rest of the week.

A:Can l help you, madam?
B: Yes,I 14)........(buy) these shoes yesterday, but while I 15).......(walk) to work this morning, the heel 16).......(break).

Помогите пожалуйс бистрее даю 55 балов !!!!!!!!!!​


Ответ дал: asematursunaliev0



A - did you do

B - had

A - happened

B - walked, slipped, fell.

A - Did you meet

B - introduced

A - did you be, tried, was

B - came, met, had

A - did you do, called

B - got, finished

A - did you meet

B - did, entered

A - did tell

B - talked, heard


1 - a few

2 - very few, a lot of

3 - a little, a few

4 - a few

№ 3.

1 - had decided

2 - had not been earning

3 - had arranged announced

4 - had been washing

5 - had been waiting

6 - Professor Sterling had already

7 - had been living


Если помогла ставь лучший

Аноним: нет не то ти просто скитирувала
asematursunaliev0: Прости что не написала вас и аа
asematursunaliev0: Веар
Вас заинтересует