Английский срочно ,даю 80 балов



Ответ дал: Decoration
  1. If Helen hadn't eaten too much, she wouldn't have felt ill.
  2. If Brian had woken up early, he wouldn't have arrived late at work.
  3. Dave wouldn't have had to pay a fine, if he hadn't parked illegally.
  4. If Lyle had trained enough, the coach would have let him play in the match.
  5. We wouldn't have failed the test, if we had studied for it.
  6. I would have called her, if had remembered that it was her birthday.
  7. Marion would have bought the dress she wanted, if she had had enough money with her.

Аноним: A Вы могли бы помочь с еще одним заданием?) Если не трудно... https://znanija.com/task/43545324 пожалуйста ...
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