Use the correct form of the verbs. Present Perfect or Past Simple. Write the full verb form.

1. Jim
learning Chinese four years ago. (start)

2. My sister
me her CD player yesterday. (give)

3. I
my friends today. (not phone)

Write 6 questions with the word «ever» using Present Perfect.

Fill in the gaps with «just» and the correct form of the verbs:

1. Oh! I
my mum’s vase. (break)

2. Mary and Kate
this problem. (solve)

3. Tim and Liz
a cake. (cook)


Ответ дал: IcyMerchant

1. started (p.s)

2. gave (p.s)

3. haven't phoned (p.perf)

1. I have just broken my mum's vase

2. Mary and kate have just solved this problem

3. Tim and Liz just have cooked a cake  

zcdfgmg: там еще 6 предложений надо составить, помоги пж
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