Даю 20 балов♥️ Срочно!!!!!!!



Ответ дал: didkeystaiylz



A : What did you do last summer?

B : I spent two weeks in Greece with my friends.

A : Did you go sightseeing in Athens?

B : No, we didn't stay in the city. We travelled to an Island by boat.

A : Did you rent an apartment?

B : No, we didn't go camping.

A : Did you have a nice time ?

B : Yes, it was a very relaxing holiday

Ответ дал: shiaotvechu

What did you do last summer?

I spent two weeks in Greece with my friends.

Did you go sighseeing in Athens?

No, we didn't stay in the city. We traveled to an island by boat.

Did you rent an apartament.

No, we didn't go camping.

Did you have a nice time?

Yes, it was a very relaxing holiday.

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