Reported speech , help me please ( помогите пожалуйста )



Ответ дал: toombotka


1. They wanted to know why blueberries aren't blue.

2. She asked us if we can spell creativity however we wanted.

3. My friend asked me why Superman wear his pants over his trousers.

4. He asked me why my feet smell and my nose ran.

5. The teacher asked us what the meaning of life was.

6. She asked me would I lived longer than my dog.

7. He asked me if a hot dog is a sandwich.

8. My fried asked him who was his favourite teacher.

9. The PE teacher wanted to know if I can stand on my head.

10. She asked me if I feel like a leader or a follower.

11. I asked Mary what she eat for lunch.

12. The teacher asked me if I a thinker.

toombotka: Сорри я это еще не проходила так что могут быть ошибки(
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