Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect or Future Continuous.
A: I think I (work) _ probably ____________ this time next year.
B: Really? Have you got something planned?
A: Yes. I (join) ______ the family company when I’ve got my degree.
B: Lucky you.
A: I wonder what we (do) ______ in two years’ time.
B: Who knows!
A: I expect we (study) _ still ______ English here.
B: Not me. I (take) ______ my exams by then.

A: Lucky Ruth. Her flight left this morning so she (arrive) ______ in Jamaica by now.
B: Yes. I wish I was with her, don’t you?
A: Yes.


Ответ дал: maxtech213

A: I think I will probably be working at this time next year.

B: Really? Have you got something planned?

A: Yes. I will have joined the family company when I’ve got my degree.

B: Lucky you.

A: I wonder what we will have done in two years’ time.

B: Who knows!

A: I expect we will still studying English here.

B: Not me. I will have taken my exams by then.

A: Lucky Ruth. Her flight left this morning so she will have arrived in Jamaica by now.

B: Yes. I wish I was with her, don’t you?

A: Yes.

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