Помогите, пожалуйста, с английским
Fill the gaps with ‘have/had/having’ and the verbs in brackets in the third form.

When did you last __________ the air conditioning __________? (service)
You don't think Madonna's beautiful?! You should __________ your eyes __________. (test)
After the plague of fleas, the boss __________ the office __________ (disinfect)
Your cat's coughing. You need to __________ him __________ for parasites. (treat)
We __________ the roof __________ last year. It cost us a packet. (repair)
I normally __________ my suit dry __________ before a party. (clean)
The coach __________ all the lockers __________ for the missing footballs yesterday. (search)
Have you __________ your house __________? (double-glaze)
Have you __________ that picture I bought you __________ yet? (frame)
The house is in chaos. We're __________ a new kitchen __________ in at the moment. (put)


Ответ дал: migiza846


When did you last have the air conditioning serviced?

You don't think Madonna's beautiful?! You should have your eyes tested.

After the plague of fleas, the boss had the office disinfected.

Your cat's coughing. You need to have him treated for parasites.

We having the roof repaired last year. It cost us a packet.

I normally have my suit dry cleaned before a party.

The coach had all the lockers searched for the missing footballs yesterday.

Have you had your house double-gazed?

Have you had that picture I bought you framed yet?

The house is in chaos. We're having a new kitchen put in at the moment.

Lenok250: We HAD the roof repaired last year. It cost us a packet.
migiza846: верно
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