1. Present simple or Present Continious

  1) I (not/understand) ______ Chinese.

  2) We (visit) ______ our grandparents on Sundays.

  3) Catherine (not/wear) ______ jeans today.

  4) Listen. The dog (bark) ______.

  5) Look at Ted. Why (he/waving) ______ his arms inthe air?

2. Выбрать правильную форму:

  1) Be careful! I think you WILL FALL / ARE FALLING soon.

  2) I promise I AM PHONING / WILL PHONE soon.

  3) I'm still hungry. I AM GOING TO ASK / AM ASKING for some more food.

  4) We WILL GO / ARE GOING TO GO on holiday tommorow.

  5) I'm sure it WON'T RAIN / ISN'T RAINING this afternoon. 


Ответ дал: Anzhelika123


do not understand


is not wearing

is barking

is he waving


will fall

will phone

i am going to ask

are going to go

will not rain

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