Add the appropriate (подходящий) tag to create a duestion.
1) Linda will arrange the students exchange,......?
2) Your parents were not at the cinema yesterday,......?
3) Denis can play tuitar, ........?
4) We are not going to write her a letter, ...?
5) You have a lot o а friends, .....?
6) Some members of his football team gave an interviem to a youth magazine, ...?


Ответ дал: nunny
1) Linda will arrange the students exchange, won't she?
2) Your parents were not at the cinema yesterday, were they?
3) Denis can play the guitar, can't he?
4) We are not going to write her a letter, are we?
5) You have a lot of friends, don't you?
6) Some members of his football team gave an interviem to a youth magazine, didn't they?

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