Напиши утвердительные и отрицательные предложения, используй will или
won’t. ( помогите пожалуйста :3 )



Ответ дал: qennu


With will:

1. I will make a big cake for my grandsons

2. Julieta will help me in the kitchen

3. My daughter will prepare some sandwiches

4. Helen will bring some flowers from the garden

5. My sister will take some photos

6. Yoana will wash the dishes after lunch

7. The butcher will sell me good meat

8. I will wear my new dress and new shoes

With won't:

1. I won't go to the barber's shop

2. My wife won't cook breakfast for me

3. My son won't get married next year

4. I won't spend too much money in the pub

5. Henry won't come for lunch today

6. The postman won't bring any parcels

7. Patrick won't send me any messages

8. We won't have vegetable soup for lunch

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