Put the verbs in brackets into the Passive Voice ( use the correct grammar tense)

1.When_________new computers________( to set up)?- They _____________( to set up) next Wednesday.

What colour __________Brian”s bike__________( to paint) yesterday?-- It _____ ( to paint) dark blue.
Who_______the tests_________( usually to check ) by? - They _______usually ( to check) by our professor.
Why ______the mail _______( to deliver) so late yesterday? - Because the postman ___( to delay) by traffic.
What hotel_________( to reconstruct) next year?- According to our plan The Flamingo Hotel_____( to reconstruct) next year.
How much money______( to steal) from the bank yesterday?- 1 million dollars _________( to steal) yesterday.
What places in your city__________usually ( to visit) by the tourists?-The Fine Arts Museum__________( to visit)most frequently.
What time________the library________(to close) last Friday? - It _______( to close) at 6 pm yesterday.
How many TV sets______( to produce) by this plant every month?- I think more than 1000 TV sets____( to produce) by this plant monthly.
Where______your dog________(to see) last time?- It_______(to see) near our local school last Tuesday.​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1) When will new computers be set up? – They will be set up next Wednesday.

2) Why was the mail delivered so late yesterday? – Because the postman was delayed by traffic.

3) What hotel will be reconstructed next year? – According to our plan The Flamingo Hotel will be reconstructed next year.

4) How much money was stolen from the bank yesterday?- 1 million dollars was stolen yesterday

5) What places in your city are usually to visited by the tourists? – The Fine Arts Museum is visited most frequently.

6) What time was the library closed last Friday? - It was closed at 6 pm yesterday.

7) How many TV sets are produced by this plant every month?- I think more than 1000 TV sets are produced by this plant monthly.

8) Where was your dog seen last time? – It was seen near our local school last Tuesday.

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