Вы недавно посмотрели фильм, который вам очень понравился. Напишите письмо другу, описав фильм и объяснив, почему он или она должны пойти и посмотреть его.​

simpsongome4: РАЗМЕР?


Ответ дал: gamoindmuzyka

Hi Patricia

Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you. I received it yesterday. I have to apologize for not writing, but I have been very busy with my school.

In your last letter, you asked me about cinema. You wanted me to answer your questions. So let's go!

First of all, I want to tell you that I very rarely go to the movies. The reason for this is the lack of such activity in my city. I would be very happy if there was a cinema in my city.

Secondly, I am very interested in videos. My favorite films are Home Alone, Forest Gump, Harry Potter.

My favorite actors are George Clooney, Daniel Radcliffe and Nicolas Cage.

Love {Твое имя и фамилия}

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