Open the brackets using one of the tenses expressing future:
1. Take an umbrella. It ( to rain )
2. Attention , please. The next race ( to start ) at 9.30.
3. I ( to go ) to the cinema tonight. I have already got a ticket. 4. I do not feel very well. I think I ( to faint ). 5. Please , do not call me this afternoon. I ( to do ) some important work. 6. By the time we get to London we ( to drive ) over two hundred miles. Task 3. Find the mistakes and correct them: 1.The goat was one of first animals to be domesticated. 2. In May Aaron will have be working in our marketing division for 5 years. 3. In 1837 Victoria , an 18 year – old woman , named Queen of England. 4. Tom was the man which helped me to paint my house. 5. Sandra had visited the Zoo with her friends yesterday. 6. I `d be happier if I do not have work so hard.


Ответ дал: LeeSeongYeon


1. 1) will rains;


3)am going to

4)will faint

5)will do

6)will drive

3.1)the first

2)will has been working

3)year old



6)didn't have to/do not have

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