1) Now I ______(be) very worried about Tom. 2) He __________(leave) home 4 hours ago. 3) Usually he __________(come) to Aunt Emily at 5 p.m. and ___________(not forget) calling me. 4) Now I ___________(know) for sure that he __ _____(be) not at Emily’s. 5) Today he _________(have) a great sum of money with him, for sick children, you know. 6) I ________________(not understand) what could happen. 7) I know that several minutes ago you ______(be) in the office near the pub. 8) _______ you ______(see) him there that time? ____________you________________ (know) where he can be? Call me, please! I ___________ (to be) at a loss…
Пожалуйста!!!Помогите!!!!Дам 20 баллов


Ответ дал: ferloydd

1.) Now I am very worried about Tom. 2) He leaved home 4 hours ago. 3) Usually he comes to Aunt Emily at 5 p.m. and dont forget calling me. 4) Now I know for sure that he had been not at Emily’s. 5) Today he has a great sum of money with him, for sick children, you know. 6) I dont understand what could happen. 7) I know that several minutes ago you has been in the office near the pub. 8)Did you saw him there that time? Did you knew (know) where he can be? Call me, please! I am at a loss…

Ответ дал: leratrotsiuk


1) Am

2) Leaved

3) Comes

4) Know ; is

5) Have

6) Dont understend

7) Was

8) Did you see ; Do you know ; I will be

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