Exercise 2. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form.

1. Let me (to go)________ or I'll make you (to regret)____________!

2. We've decided (to have)______ dinner when everybody is at home.

3. Would you like (to go)_________ to the club with us tonight?

4. She wants (to buy)_________ that expensive blouse but her mum doesn't allow her (to do)________ that.

5. What do you prefer (to do)________ in the evening?

6. What would you prefer (to do)______: (to go)_______ to the party or (to stay in)_______________ all night?

7. I can’t stand (to work)____________ with impolite people.

8. –Stop (to sing)__________________ this annoying song!

9. I can't help (to sing)______________ it! I really enjoy (to do) this.

10. How could you agree (to accept)__________ his invitation after everything he had done!

11. Continue (to read)_________ – I really enjoy (to
listen)_________ to this story.

12. My dad makes me (to do the washing-up)_______ after each meal. I really can't stand (to do)_________ this! But my sister doesn't mind (to help)__________ him.

13. Remember (to take)_____________ an umbrella tonight – they say it's going to rain.

14. How could you forget (to lock)__________ the door! You should (to be)___________ more careful!

15. We were walking along the seaside and we met our countryman so we stopped (to chat)__________ with him.

помогите пожалуйста!!!


Ответ дал: darkhanerkintaev


a) go /regret

b) a

c) ✓

d) ✓/ do

e) ✓

f) to go /stay in

g) ✓

h) singing

i) singing / doing

j) ✓

k) reading /listening

l) ✓/ doing

m) taking

n) ✓/ be

o) chatting


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