Поставьте все типы вопросов до следующих предложений:
1.the waiters will serve lunch in an hour
2.My brother won't enter the university next year


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1.The waiters will serve lunch in an hour,won't they?

2.My brother won't enter the university next year,will he?

1.Will the waiters serve lunch in an hour?

2.Will (won't)  your brother enter the university next year?

1. Who will serve lunch in an hour?

2.Who won't enter the university next year?

1.Will the waiters serve lunch in an hour or in 2 hours?

2.Will your brother or your cousin enter the university next year?

1.When will the waiters serve lunch ?

2.When will (won't) your brother enter the university?

1.What will the waiters serve in an hour?

2.Where will (won't) your brother enter the university?


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