Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1 Tom wasn’t very __________________ (sympathy) when I told him my cat had died.
23 She stopped at the __________________ (serve) station when she was tired on her journey.
24 Khaled Hosseini is one of my favourite __________________ (novel); his books are all extremely moving.
25 Most adults are impressed by Julia’s __________________ (mature) considering that she’s only sixteen.
26 We were told to wait in the __________________ (depart) lounge until our gate number was displayed on
the screen.


Ответ дал: Аноним

1. Tom wasn't very sympathising when I told him my cat had died.

23. She stopped at the service station when she was tired on her journey.

24. Khaled Hosseini is one of my favourite novelists; his books are all extremely moving.

25. Most adults are impressed by Julia's maturity considering that she's only sixteen.

26. We were told to wait in the departure lounge until our agte number was displayed on the screen.

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