Grammar: past perfect
Complete the second sentence of each pair with the correct form of the past perfect,
to make third conditional sentences.

1. I wasn't tired, so I didn't go to bed.
If I ____tired, I would have gone to bed.
2. I didn't take a taxi because it was so expensive.
I would have taken a taxi if it ___so expensive.
3. I got the job because my manager put me forward for it.
I wouldn't have got the job if my manager ____me forward for it.
4. The client complained because we didn't listen to her.
The client wouldn't have complained if we ____to her.
5. He didn't read the instructions properly, so he couldn't do the activity.
If he ___the instructions properly, he would have been able to do the activity.
6. We didn't have enough time so the product wasn't as good as it could have been.
If we ____enough time the product would have been better.


Ответ дал: Аноним

1. If I hadn't been tired, I would have gone to bed.

2. I would have taken a taxi if it hadn't been so expensive.

3. I wouldn't have got the job if my manager hadn't put me forward for it.

4. The client wouldn't have complained if we had listened to her.

5. If he had read the insutrctions properly, he would have been able to do th activity.

6. If we had had enough time, the product would have been better.

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