Оберіть інфінітив чи герундій:
1.She avoided ( to tell) him the truth.
2. I would like ( to come) to the wedding party with my boyfriend.
3. He enjoys ( to have) dinner after a long day.
4. She kept ( to talk) during the film.
5. I ‘m learning ( to speak) English now.
6. Do you mind ( to give) me your phone?
7. He decided ( to study) at the University.
8. It appears ( to be) raining.
9. We intend ( to go) to the cinema in the evening.
10. I pretended ( to be) sick so I didn’t have to go to school.
11.Can you imagine ( to live) without your smartphone?
12. He denies ( to steal) the money.
13. He claims ( to be) a millionaire but he doesn’t look like a rich person.
14. I expect ( to arrive) at the airport at 11 a.m.
15. I look forward ( to see) you at the weekend.
16. She is good at ( to dance).


Ответ дал: svetafinchenko


1 telling 2 to 3 having 4 talking 5 to 6 giving  7to 8to  9 to 10 to 11 living 12 stealing 13 to 14 to 15 to seeing 16 dancing



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