Пожалуйста помогите

Mixed tenses (past)

1)Charlene (be) the new chef in the kitchen.

2)She (never / work) in a big restaurant before.

3)"I can do thisl" she (tell) herself.

4)Charlene (pick) up a big knife and (begin) to cut up the vegetables.

5)While she (cut), she (sing) a little song to herself.

6)Suddenly Martin the head waiter (stick) his head in the kitchen.

7)"The Dubois party (arrive). Are you ready?

8) (cry) Charlene


Ответ дал: svetafinchenko


1) was

2) had never worked

3) told

4) picked/began

5)was cutting/was singing

6) stuck

7) arrived

8) crіed


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