может ли добрый человек проявлять жестокость​

Janefro: Надо сочинение написать или просто с полным ответом?
zekabritkov: Надо написать Может ли добрый человек проявлять жестокость операясь на рассказ не пускайте рыжую в озеро


Ответ дал: snezhina18


Думаю, что да, может. Жесткость тоже разная бывает.

Ответ дал: annarovinska579


we are the smartest and at the same time the most cruel known wights in this world, and this cruelty is in each of us. Even at first glance, a person is capable of things that are scary to even think about.

As for me, someone can restrain themselves, someone are plashes out emotions alone, inaccessible for someone else's gaze.

This is how the world works, to have made everyone perfectly good will take millions of years and a lot of adaptations, even if it is even possible it is not profitable for people's? who's making money on the cruelty of others.

And what about good people - they are always will be exist, but as I already recalled above in the text - none of us is without stain.


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