Complete the sentences with

travel nouns.

If you’re interested in seeing the places

in a city, you can go on a sightseeing

t our .

1 If you want to protect your skin, you

must buy s .

2 If you’d like to find information about a

country, you should get a g .

3 If you don’t want insects to bite you,

you need a big m n


4 If you’re interested in visiting Australia,

you need to book a l

f .

5 If you want to travel to a place and

come back, you need a r ​
Пожалуйста помогите срочно надо


Ответ дал: helyhelystars


1) If you want to protect your skin, you must buy suncream.

2) If you'd like to find information about a country, you should get guide.

3) If you don't want insects to bite you, you need a big mosquito net.

4) If you're interested in visiting Australia, you need to book a luxury flight.

5) If you want to travel to a place and come back, you need a return ticket.

helyhelystars: В 3 предложении ответ: "Long-haul flight"
helyhelystars: Извиняюсь, в 4 предложении*
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