2. Дополни предложения глаголами в форме
Present Continuous.
Ex.: Oh no, it is raining (rain). We can't go out
1. Our friend (play) his electric guitar again
So loud!
2. Simon collects models. At the moment
(make) a model ship.
3. Where is Nick? Ah, he
on the chair
4. They
(watch) TV now.
5. We
(run) very fast! Slow down!​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. Our friend is playing his electric guitar again. So loud!

2. Simon collects models. At the moment he is making a model ship.

3. Where is Nick? Ah, he is sitting on the chair

4. They are watching TV now.

5. We are running very fast! Slow down!​

milakaranova2626: спасибо огромное.
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