Паст симпл и презент пёрфект



Ответ дал: apelsin123123

Ответ: 1. I have never been to the USA. I wanted to go there last summer but I couldn’t.  

2. He has lived in this street all his life.

3. His father came back to London last Sunday.  

4. Yan wrote a letter to Nick two days ago.  

5. He sent his letter yesterday.  

6. They have just bought some postcards.

7. Maria got some bad news last week. She has been sad since she got the bad news.  

8. I started school when I was five years old. I have been at school since I was five years old.  

9. I have changed my job three times this year.  

10. I changed my job three times last year.  

11. The weather was hot and dry for many weeks. But two days ago it rained.  

12. Tom broke his leg five days ago. He’s in hospital. He has been in hospital since he broke his leg.  

13. Are you going to finish your work before you go to bed? — I have already finished it . I finised my work two hours ago.

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