Очень срочно даю 20 балов



Ответ дал: sofiprincesss
1. Taller
2. More expensive
3. Easier
4. More interesting
5. Funnier
6. Prettier
7. Shorter
8. Older
9. Smaller
10. More boring
11. Safer
12. Faster
Ответ дал: cmx2s5vpzf


Tom is taller than Sam

His car is exspensiver than mine

This test is easier than the previous one

English is interesting than Maths

Adam is funnier than Fred

Leila is prettier than Sandra

My sister is shorter than me

Grandpa is older than Dad

My house is smaller than his

This movie is boringer than the other one

It’s ok! The road here is most safe

The rabbit is faster than the turtle

cmx2s5vpzf: More interesting *
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