Написати речення, використовуючи REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS
I am angry with __________.
He fell down and hurt __________.
Tell me more about __________.
She believes in __________.
We are sure of __________.
They did everything __________.використовуючи
Did you translate the text __________.
I saw everything __________.
The knife was sharp, and she cut __________.
They introduced __________.

1. Ivan took this photo __.
2. Nina did the homework __.
3. We helped __ to some cake at the party.
4. Vera, did you paint __?
5. I wrote this novel __.
6. He cut __ with the knife by accident.
7. The tiger can defend __.

Can you do many things _________?
Does your friend Nick often talk to you about _________?
Did your mother buy anything for _________ last week?
Are you always sure of _________?
Can a little child take care of _________?
Do you believe in _________?
Did the pupils answer all the questions _________?
Did you make the dress ______________ .

8. My grandmother often talks to __.
9. Alex and Maxim, if you want more coffee, help __.
10. They assembled the desk __.


Ответ дал: Аноним

I am angry with myself.

He fell down and hurt himself.

Tell me more about yourself.

She believes in herself.

We are sure of ourselves.

They did everything themselves.

Did you translate the text yourself?

I saw everything myself.

The knife was sharp, and she cut herself.

They introduced themselves.

1. Ivan took this photo himself.

2. Nina did the homework herself.

3. We helped ourselves to some cake at hte party.

4. Vera, did you paint yourself?

5. I wrote this novel myself.

6. He cut himself with the knife by accident.

7. The tiger can defend itself.

Can you do many things yourself?

Does your friend Nick often talk to you about himself?

Did your mother buy anything for herself last week?

Are you always sure of yourself?

Can a little child take care of itself?

Do you believe in yourself?

Did the pupils answer all the questions themselves?

Did you make the dress yourself?

8. My grandmother often talks to herself.

9. Alex and Maxim, if you want more coffee, help yourselves.

10. They assembled the desk themselves.

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